PinCo ACS 2024 Training Event One

Registration for PinCo ACS 2024 Training Event One is now Open.

  • Date:         Saturday, June 8th, 2024
  • Schedule: 0800 – 1500
  • Location: Pinellas County Public Safety Complex


This is an instructor lead training event that will provide trainees with the opportunity to practice the skills needed to set-up, configure, deploy, and operate a subset of the communications equipment used by Pinellas County (PinCo) Auxiliary Communications Service (ACS) during an activation event, exercise, or drill. 

Trainee Requirements
This training event is open to members of PinCo ACS, PinCo Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT), and organizations that support emergency communications in adjacent counties. All trainees must have a valid Federal Communications Commission (FCC) amateur radio license.

Registration Requests

To register for this training event, please go to the website listed below and fill-out the registration form. You should receive an email that acknowledges receipt of your request for registration within 24 hours.

The number of seats available for this training event is limited to sixteen. If more that sixteen registration requests are received, priority will be given to those PinCo ACS members who can activate and deploy during tropical storm or hurricane, and individuals who have completed AUXCOMM training.

ACS Training Material and PinCo ACS Command Runner Maintenance Procedures

An ACS membership meeting took place at the Pinellas County EOC on January 18th, 2024. The training officer presented an introduction to the PinCo ACS Command Runner Maintenance Procedures document. A link to the presentation used during the meeting is listed below.

The Initial release of the PinCo ACS Maintenance Procedures for the Command Runner Compact Rapid Deployable (CRD) is now available online.