PACS Training Material Posted

The following training material is now available online.

  • ACS Monthly Meeting
    • July 21st 2022 – Emergency Communications Protocols.
  • ACS Weekly Training and SKYWARN® Net
    • July 12th, 2022 – Event Specific Training: An overview of severe weather events that could cause ACS to activate.
    • July19th, 2022 – Formal Message Training: Practice receiving Radiograms and ICS 213 messages.
    • July 26st, 2022 – Message Content, Security, and Precedence: An overview of message precedence and information that should not be passed via Amateur radio.

Running for All Children

Calling all Volunteers – Running for All Children 2022

As you all know, Covid stopped the race for the last two years. However, we were able to hold virtual runs for 2020 & 2021. Still being able to raise money for All Children Hospital. To date the race has raised over $ 440,000 for this event.

The city of St. Petersburg has granted us the ability to hold the 9th annual race this year.  The race will be September 10, 2022. We expect to accommodate 3,000 plus runners and friends of “Running For All Children”.

Our group again has been requested to provide 9 – 10 radio operators for this event.

We will need to be there from 6:15 am to about 11:00 am.

For those of you that have volunteered in the past. Just tell me you would like the same spot that you had in 2019. I will do my best to assign you to your favorite position.

Contact: Tom Powers    and in the email I will need your Name, call sign, and position you would like. If you forgot, just tell me that same as the last time.

Thanks again for supporting All Children Hospital.