PACS Web Site Updates

The following PACS Web Site pages have been updated.

  • Focus on Severe Weather – An interactive weather map that displays a variety of weather-related information including current radar, lightning, temperature, wind, Etc. has been added. New list of recommended sites has been added and imbedded hyperlinks repaired.
  • SKYWARN® Operations – Activation triggers, Operational conditions, and Reporting Protocols have been updated.
  • SKYWARN® Training – This is the presentation used during the PACS Weekly training net that took place on January 18th, 2022

PACS Training Material Posted

The following training material is now available online.

  • Winlink Training Bulletin 10: This is the Winlink Bulletin describing the net activities planned for December 15th, 2021.
  • Weekly Training Net: This is the presentation used during the PACS Weekly training net that took place on December 7th, 2021. Management of Communications Resources Part I – ICS 217A, Communications Availability Worksheet.
  • Weekly Training Net: This is the presentation used during the PACS Weekly training net that took place on December 14th, 2021. Management of Communications Resources Part II – ICS 205, Incident Radio Communications Plan.