Mutual Aid Operations

Inter-County Coordination

The W4PEM repeater (New Port Richey) with a frequency of 147.150 MHz (+0.600 MHz repeater offset, Wideband [5kHz], CTCSS of 141.3 Hz) has been preliminarily designated as the Inter-county operations frequency for Emergency operations during extensive or long term events affecting multiple counties in Pinellas/Pasco/Hillsborough.

This frequency is for net control station use only and should be used to relay significant emergency events moving from county to county or along county borders including weather emergencies.

If that repeater is unavailable, then the 147.105 (+0.600 MHz repeater offset, Wideband [5kHz], CTCSS of 142.6 Hz) repeater can be used as the Inter-county frequency with the permission of the Hillsborough ARES/RACES EC/RO.

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